About Me | Ko Wai Au

Malo e lelei my name is Ene. I enjoy coming to school to learn new things. I’m excited to be a year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School. The hobbies I enjoy is sports, especially rugby and touch, and I enjoy coming to school to see my friends and to learn about new things.

My goals for this year is to have a better attitude and be even better at playing rugby and touch.

G6 class party

For week six and seven LS1 planned a class party plan. There were six different groups and I was in group 1. We had to calculate food, drinks, snacks, and dessert for the class party and buy them based on the budget. Group 1’s budget was $600 and we ended up at $536.46 dollars and cents. We added how the party would look like and how everything is in place (e.g tables, chairs, eating place etc). After we finished our maths party work plan we presented our Maths to our class.
I enjoyed this task because it was fun to add different things and plan different things. I did well on calculating the food prices.

Panmure Bridge School Disco

This week on week 10 on thursday my school ( which is Panmure Bridge School ).

The very first thing that we had to do in order to get inside was to go to our teacher so she or he can tick us of. When you step inside it is like another world. ( Or another dimension).You will get a packet of chips and a drink plus a long glowing stick.After you get all your stuff you meet with your friends and start dancing to the beat.

The school had hired a new and professional DJ and started making some sick beats, Even if the DJ didin’t get to play LS1 songs I think I still had a good and perfect night. During the Disco It felt like the best Disco ever.

After a few minutes me and my friends started partying like it is the last day on earth.The Disco officially ended and I felt happy and good that I got to spend that time with my friends and teachers. Unfortunately no family was allowed to attend this Disco. It was sad but al least I had fun. And to end it off It was my friends birthday ( Baileigh ), Happy Birthday.

I did well at having fun.I need to improve on nothing.I enjoyed spending the last two days with my friends and teachers.


Perseverance :

Never Back Down Never Give Up! Even if things get harder and you start to struggle just know nothing is impossible.

Respect/Positivity :

Respect everyone at all ages of all culture at all times.  Keep a good mindset and stay positive at all time.

Responsibility : 

Taking care of things that belongs to you even if it isn’t yours.  So than you can use it for a long time and other people can too.

Relationships :

To Create a bond or a connection between students and teachers like having mutual feelings for each other, Respect, Positivity, Kind and Joyful.  


Today day we had to search a whakatauki and finish it on a canva.

it was a ver very simple task to do and it was also fun my one was a about a octpus a hamerhead shark. it just talk about do be soft and always fight back and do be scared and never give up.. the maori sentense for it is Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa.

here is my work and remeber never be sofe never be scare and never give up at anything and stay safe.