
This week for PB4L I learned about what is Empathy.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of other people who had a rough time or a hard day.

First we had to watch a video called Mojo is the Maze. In this story it talks about Mojo learns different emotions get in the way of his and team’s success.

Next we had to write down on the jamboard answering the questions about we watched. For example : What happens next.

Lastly we had to create a google slide or a DLO explaning about what empathy is. For example :

About me

This week I had to do a blog post about me.

First I had to do a greating like malol e lele or like hello or hi. Then I had to write my name and then say facts about me like whats my favriote hobby which is sports and what I want to achieve.

Next I had to say my favriote sports my favriorte hobby is rugby because I like to watch and play rugby cause its my favriote sport.

We also created a task called all about  me.   We  made a copy of the  template and added photos things i liked  sports and other things.

Last I had to say what i like to improve which is my goal for this year. My   this year is to be better than my Dad at Apex legends.


Christmas dinner with my family

My Christmas dinner with my family at my Grandpa’s house. 


Me, my mum, my dad and brother and sister went to my grandpa and grandma’s house for Christmas dinner and I got  a present but first we ate and I played on  the PS4 then. I went upstairs  to give the present to my sister and  brother. 


Then I opened my present and it was an iphone 6 and some headphones then I started to set it up then. I started to download some apps.

So  when I get back I can go on it when I get back home. I  can go on it .At home I had a drink then I got another one then I went  down stairs and played.


Lastly I went up and got another drink then with a game of apex on my phone then I went for a shower then I went to play with my dad then. I went down start and played again and got another drink and played apex and  played some full guys then I went to eat some chicken and some potato and some 


Then  I got another drink and we said bye and went back home  and I went on my phone. 

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